A specially designed school meals menu is provided for primary school pupils, so that the changing needs of your child is met as they develop.
Your child can choose from a variety of freshly cooked meal options that change on a daily, and will also receive a dessert and a drink. As part of the new Government legislation, we also offer milk to all children at lunchtime.
There is also the option to choose from a selection of lighter bites, such as filled jacket potatoes, wraps and sandwiches.
A great deal of effort is put into making the lunchtime experience in schools as enjoyable as possible.
Reception, Years 1 and 2
From September 2014, every child in Reception, Year 1 and 2 have received a free school meal.
We are supporting the government funded initiative to give these children access to a hot and nutritious meal at lunch time, with the aim of:
- Teaching healthier eating habits
- Boosting children’s performance in school
- Saving families money
In these year groups, it is still VITAL that if you think you qualify for free school meals (see below) that you still fill in the paperwork. School receive £1900 extra for your child to support their education (Pupil Premium). Your child’s class teacher or our Parent Liaison Officer will talk you about this and support you in filling in the forms, which are all online now.
Years 3 and above
Children whose parents receive the following benefits and tax credits are entitled to receive free school meals:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income, as assessed by the Inland Revenue that does not exceed £16,190 or
- Guarantee element of Pension Credit
Children who receive Income Support or Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance in their own right are also entitled to receive free school meals.
Free School Meals
How to pay for School Dinner
- The cost of a school meal is £11.50 per week (£2.30 per day).
- You can also order & pay online using School Grid.
- Children must stay for complete weeks.
- Free meal forms are available in school if you are in receipt of Income Support / Job Seekers Allowance (income based) or Child Tax Credit (not Working Tax Credit).
NOTE: Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are now entitled to free school meals.
Packed Lunches
Your child is welcome to bring a packed lunch to school if you prefer.
Please note that:
- Please give notice before your child starts packed lunches.
- Please label your child’s lunch box clearly.
- The packed lunch should be a healthy packed lunch. No chocolate or fizzy drinks. For health and safety there should be no hot foods. The lunches are not stored in a fridge, so please bear this in mind when you make the lunch.