In September 2014, we opened a specialist provision to accommodate children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) from across Sunderland Authority. These children have access to Mainstream, as well as small group teaching in The Base. This provision is now staffed by 1.8 SEND Teachers and 2 SEND Teaching Assistants. It continues to be excellent addition to the school.
If you would like to arrange a visit to our ASD Provision, please contact Mrs Jones the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator. 0191 4178888
Our pupils achieve academically and socially because high expectations and suitable adaptations are in place. They are taught in small groups and have access to ASD specific learning environments which also meet their sensory requirements. All pupils have individual timetables tailored to their strengths and special needs. Pupils have access to interventions for social and emotional development, fine and gross motor skills plus speech and language.
The long term goal for all of our pupils is for them to be as independent in everyday life as is possible. A key part of this is to be able to recognise and regulate their emotions and/or behaviours, through the use of carefully planned and taught coping mechanisms. We achieve this for our pupils with some of the following approaches:
>Visual support
>Social Stories
>Total communication approach throughout the school
>Interventions for emotional literacy and stress such as the Friends programme
>Team Teach crisis avoidance strategies
>Individual SEND support plans and behavior for learning plans
>Developing social and independence skills by visiting the community
Our school has several large outdoor spaces which our pupils love to access. We have trim trails to help gross motor skills development and specialist outdoor exercise equipment. We have an enclosed wild garden with a reading area, sand and water play areas, interactive electronic games, climbing equipment and a forest school.