Aims and expectations

Children are expected to:

  1. Follow the Colliery Code
  2. Listen carefully
  3. Respect other people’s property
  4. Keep hands feet and objects to yourself
  5. Be polite and honest
  6. Be responsible for your own behaviour and learning

Staff are expected to:

  • To treat all children fairly, honestly and with respect.
  • Tailor our expectations of children’s abilities and behaviour taking into account their age and stage of development.
  • To raise children’s self-esteem and develop their full potential.
  • To create a safe environment both physically and emotionally.
  • To use rules and sanctions clearly, fairly and consistently.
  • To be a good role model.
  • To help children grow in a safe and secure environment and help them to become positive, responsible and increasingly independent members of the school community.
  • To form a good relationship with parents/carers so that all children can see that the key adults in their lives share a common aim.
  • To know their pupils as unique and exceptional individuals.
  • To develop children’s emotional literacy and improve the emotional health of children staff and parents.
  • Offer a developmentally appropriate framework for social education.
  • To track pupil progress, set challenging, achievable targets and support children in achieving them, so that they know their efforts are valued and that progress matters.
  • To make provision for a happy working atmosphere in school by promoting the pastoral care of children and supporting emotional development needs using the Thrive approach.

Our school will encourage outstanding behaviour for learning by:

  • Using the Thrive Approach
  • making clear our expectations of good behaviour.
  • discouraging unsociable behaviour by promoting mutual respect and honesty.
  • encouraging children to take responsibility for their own actions and behaviour.
  • behaving by example.
  • praising and rewarding good behaviour both privately and publicly.

What is the Thrive Approach?

We asked ourselves the following question:

What does it take to develop healthy, happy, confident children who are ready and open to learning? Recent advances in neuroscience, attachment theory and child development have provided some of the answers to this question.

The Thrive Approach draws on insights from these fields to provide a powerful way of working with children that supports optimal social and emotional development. In addition, the Approach can equip staff to work in a targeted way with children who may have struggled with difficult life events which can affect behaviours, to help them re-engage with life and learning.


How this will be developed in school?

The Thrive model gives us a lens through which to look at and interpret children’s behaviour. We believe all behaviour is communication in one form or another and it is through our knowledge of the children in our care that we are able to identify what their behaviour is signalling and how best to manage and meet their needs.   Thrive Practitioners in school will choose appropriate, targeted interventions designed to meet those needs and do this through a mindful, practical approach.

What does this approach look like in school?

In school you will hear mindful comments being used to allow children to notice success in the here and now e.g. “I can see you are trying” I caught you doing something great” “this is what success feels like.” “I’m here for you”.

Teachers modelling language giving words for feelings using the Thrive ‘catch and match’ approach. For example: I can see you look happy, proud, excited” as well as addressing more difficult emotions

“I can see you look sad, agitated, frustrated etc. “If you talk, I will listen” “I’m here for you right now”

“it’s ok to be sad, angry.”

The school environment:

Will feel calm, positive and relaxed with staff using a calm voice, stance and modelling this in a way which makes children feel safe and secure.

You will see a range of visual support materials which will enhance not only the spoken word but also help children see the structure and routines of class in preparation for the day.

You will see children exploring strategies to solve social, emotional and relationship problems.

A busy school where children are actively engaged in their learning through practical activities which enthuse and interest them.

Children taking responsibility for their environment, themselves and each other.

The day will start on a positive note and positivity will be threaded throughout all lessons and across the school day.

You will see an interactive visual timetable in every classroom which is referred to and used regularly.

Clocks and timers used to support children’s understanding of now, next and timescales.

Brain breaks used to release excess energy and ease physical tension which will help children re-focus. These short periods of exercise aim to improve the physical health, mental awareness and educational success of children.

Children demonstrating increased understanding of spatial awareness and the ability to move around the school in a safe manner.

Staff embracing the daily practice of being an emotional check in for children who seek emotional support.

You will see the Colliery Code displayed in all classrooms and around the school and regularly referred to throughout.

Staff focusing on positive behaviour and rewarding children using the schools ‘Behaviour for learning super hero’s’. You will see these icons displayed around the school and children being rewarded for being a ‘Behaviour for learning super hero.’

A focused, reward driven approach; children will receive super hero stickers for noticed, positive behaviours throughout the school day.

Physical spaces in the corner of classrooms with be created to provide a safe space for children who are emotionally overwhelmed.

The traffic Light system displayed around school and used by adults and children

A set of four non-negotiable expectations of everyday behaviours displayed in teaching spaces so that all children are clear on basic expectations of a classroom

The Traffic Light System

At Usworth Colliery Primary School we use the traffic light approach. This approach is always used in a calm, non-confrontational way. This sets out clear expectations and gives children positive, visual reminders about their behaviour and what is expected.

The green traffic light

All children start the day on the Green traffic light where they see their name displayed (KS2) or their photograph (KS1). Children who continue to work hard and stay on task will stay on the green traffic light and be rewarded through the behaviour for learning super heroes. These children will be used as role models for children who find it difficult to conform to class rules.

The amber traffic light

If a child’s behaviour is seen to be escalating the teacher will use his/ her judgement and their knowledge of the child to decide whether a warning should be given. In the first instance a verbal warning is given to remind the child of the expectations and why it is important to be on the green traffic light. If the unwanted behaviour continues the child will be moved to the amber traffic light. At this point the teacher will give success reminders and talk to the child about what success feels like. Positive behaviours will be encouraged:

‘I can see you are trying to listen/focus, I want to help you get back down to green, I’m here for you, I know you can do it’.

If unwanted low level behaviour persists then, at the teacher’s discretion, minutes from play can be taken away as a sanction for the unwanted behaviours. Teachers will focus on reminding the child of what positive behaviours look/feel like and work together with the child to get  the child back down to green on the traffic light. It is important to promote positive de-escalation strategies when moving a child between the green and amber traffic light. This is key in maintaining good behaviour and thus maintaining positive relationships with children.

In some instances children who are emotionally dis-regulated will be given an ‘I feel I choose’ visual. This is at the teacher’s discretion and will be determined by his/ her knowledge of the child and their behavioural/emotional presentation. The child is empowered to make an independent choice about how they are feeling and choose a visual to represent this. They then choose an activity from the board which is aimed to self-soothe /self regulate their emotions and behaviours. The child is encouraged to go to the safe space provided in class with a timer. It is the teacher’s responsibility to ‘check in’ with the child and ensure they are calm enough to return to learning when the timer is finished.

The Red Traffic Light

The child will be moved to the red traffic light when behaviours displayed cannot be ignored. Like the following:

  • Risk of harm to self and peers
  • Risk of harm to staff or visitors
  • Risk of damage to property

Serious breaches of the behaviour non-negotiable checklist.

In these instances staff will ask for help from the Senior Leadership Team or Miss Dickinson, the school’s behaviour specialist. Children will be removed from the classroom and taken to a safe space to calm and helped to emotionally and physically self- regulate. Once the SLT are satisfied that the child is calm enough and ready to learn, the child will be taken back to class. At this point it is really important that the child is moved back down to green on the traffic light and given a fresh start. The child can expect a mindful approach on re-entry to the classroom. If a sanction is necessary for the behaviour, then the SLT team and/or Miss Dickinson will have informed the child at the point of de-escalation.

In some cases where safety of self, peers and staff are breached, it may be necessary to carry out a Team Teach safe hold. All staff that do this are fully trained and certified in order to ensure children are kept safe. See UCPS Positive Handling Policy.  Team Teach protocols are strictly adhered to and monitored by the Head teacher and Governors on a regular basis. Any child who is involved in a team teach hold is involved in de-brief where both staff and the child will converse verbally and or with the use of visuals to help the child understand why a safe hold was necessary. Parents are informed, if a team teach hold was necessary either by telephone or in person at the end of the day, if telephone contact cannot be made.

All serious and significant incidents are logged on the CPOMS system by the member of staff who dealt with it. An explanation of the incident or behaviour presented is recorded and actions outlined.  The Senior Leadership and Safeguarding Team are emailed with an alert each time an incident is logged and use the information to monitor behaviour, make decisions on further action and provide support to ensure issues are resolved.

Celebrating Consistently Good Attitudes

The school acknowledges all the efforts and achievements of children, both in and out of school, and acknowledges the importance of children taking responsibility for their actions. Pupils may be given additional (age-appropriate responsibilities) e.g. library monitor, KS1 yard monitors, etc.  We also have House Captain’s for each house in Year 6.  They are elected at the beginning of the year and are used a role-models for behaviour within the school.

Awarding House Points

Children are in a House – either Orion, Pegasus, Phoenix & Hercules.  Staff give house points to individuals when they follow the ‘Code’, work hard and meet the criteria for awarding house points.  The Headteacher may set a specific challenge throughout the year, based upon school targets, where double house points can be awarded.

The House with the most house points each term is awarded a special treat, which is decided by the children through School Council, e.g. movie afternoon, small gift, etc. Therefore, children from reception to Year 6 receiving the same reward.

There are inter-house competitions throughout the year to gain extra House Points.

Celebrating Achievements

Each week we celebrate achievements through our school assemblies, specifically in our ‘Twitter Stars’ Assembly’, weekly school newsletter, via Twitter and via our school website.

Pupil achievements outside of school are also celebrated in the newsletter and on displays and during assemblies where they are encouraged to bring in awards, trophies and certificates to share with their peers

Class teachers can award pupils with their own class reward system.

Pupils can be awarded ‘Headteacher Awards’ for a commendable individual act of note or particularly brilliant work. Any child who receives a Headteacher Award is mentioned in the weekly newsletter.

All classes have an opportunity to lead at least one whole school assembly, where they are able to show examples of their work and achievement to parents and relatives, as well as to the rest of the school.

For specific examples of excellent behaviour, pupils may be sent to a senior member of staff, the Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher for praise.

Celebrating Good Attitudes to Learning

Within lessons children are rewarded for demonstrating behaviours that support learning (resilience, independence, teamwork, resourcefulness, reflectiveness and risk taking). We have a series of ‘Superhero Characters who incorporate these behaviours to encourage the children to aim to emulate them, and children receive superhero stickers when they use these learning skills. They also receive house dojo points.

Teachers nominate 1 child per class, on a weekly basis who has demonstrated ‘Superhero’ behaviours which support learning and celebrate this on their class twitter account. The children’s names are also published in the weekly newsletter. During the ‘Twitter Stars’ assembly, one child per Key Stage is nominated as either the Learning Superhero or the Twitter Superstar and has their name displayed in the hall and on Twitter.

For the full policy follow this link.